Bensalem Musicians Perform at BCMEA String Day 2022

String Day is a one-day fes­ti­val made up of the top string musi­cians in grades 7–9 from Bucks County. The stu­dents received con­cert music when they arrived, rehearsed through­out

Bucks County Schools Host Arts Expo

On Wednesday, November 7th, the School Districts of Bucks County host­ed an Arts Expo fea­tur­ing and high­light­ing the depth, breadth, and vari­ety of the arts pro­grams being offered through our Bucks County pub­lic schools.

The evening began with a gallery of fine arts, includ­ing draw­ing, paint­ing, mosa­ic, water­col­or, sculp­ture, pho­tog­ra­phy, … Read more...

January is School Director Recognition Month

Public edu­ca­tion is more than just learn­ing the basic math, sci­ence, English and his­to­ry; it’s a plat­form for stu­dents to reach their poten­tial.  It inspires hope for a


BHS Senior Wins TruMark Financial Jeopardy

Congratulations to BHS senior, Vrund Patel for par­tic­i­pat­ing in the TruMark Financial Jeopardy com­pe­ti­tion and win­ning the first place award, a $5,000 schol­ar­ship.  The com­pe­ti­tion is spon­sored annu­al­ly by TruMark Financial Credit Union, as part of their ongo­ing com­mit­ment to pro­mote the growth of finan­cial lit­er­a­cy com­pe­ten­cies among the area youth.

Bensalem HS Students Shine at DECA District

Forty-two Bensalem High School (BHS) stu­dents par­tic­i­pat­ed in DECA’s dis­trict event on December 9th. Approximately 500 stu­dents from 10 dif­fer­ent schools com­pet­ed. DECA is a busi­ness club that pre­pares emerg­ing lead­ers and entre­pre­neurs in mar­ket­ing, finance, hos­pi­tal­i­ty, and man­age­ment in high schools and col­leges around the globe.

Congratulations …

Bensalem Social Worker Nominated for Unsung Hero Award

In cel­e­bra­tion of Teacher Appreciation Week in May, PSEA/MER and CAPS – Council for the Advancement of Public Schools, are spot­light­ing the amaz­ing things hap­pen­ing in our schools thanks to the pro­fes­sion­als who work there. The theme of their spring media cam­paign is “Unsung Heroes.”

We are delight­ed …

Virtual Settlement Held to Finalize the Sale of Armstrong Middle School


School Director Recognition Month

January is “School Director Recognition Month” in Pennsylvania. Public edu­ca­tion is more than just learn­ing the basic math, sci­ence, English and his­to­ry; it’s a plat­form for stu­dents to reach their poten­tial. It inspires hope for a new gen­er­a­tion and a suc­cess­ful future. This insti­tu­tion exists in part because indi­vid­u­als vol­un­teer their … Read more...

BHS Students Qualify to Attend DECA International Conference

There were over 2000 DECA mem­bers from across the state at the com­pe­ti­tion in many dif­fer­ent events.  The BHS par­tic­i­pants did well, with each indi­vid­ual

Bensalem High School MCJROTC Promotions

Col John C. Church, Jr., USMCR (Ret.) Head Leadership Studies, Senior Marine Instructor is pleased to announce the fol­low­ing pro­mo­tions for May 2020.

Congratulations to the new­ly pro­mot­ed cadets. These pro­mo­tions reflect that, at its essence, this Bensalem High School MCJROTC Leadership Education Program devel­ops char­ac­ter and enhances cit­i­zen­ship in our … Read more...

Education Expo

On Tuesday, October 2nd, we host­ed an Education Expo at Bensalem High School.  Guests learned about Bensalem Township School District’s edu­ca­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties and our part­ner­ship with the Franklin Institute and brain-based learn­ing in our schools.

Tours of the high school allowed our com­mu­ni­ty to see our:

  • World Class STEM lab
  • Nationally rec­og­nized FIRST

BHS Robotics Team Qualifies for Nationals

Bensalem High School’s Robotics Team, The Fightin’ Robotic Owls, com­pet­ed at the FIRST Robotics Mid-Atlantic District Championship at Lehigh University where they fin­ished 5th out of 128 teams and qual­i­fied for the FIRST Robotics World Championships in Detroit, Michigan.

Says sopho­more and Drive Team Member Daniel Pasquella, “Being picked by … Read more...