Bensalem Schools Celebrate Red Ribbon Week

Bensalem Township School District par­tic­i­pat­ed in the National Red Ribbon Week Campaign, October 23 — 31! All nine schools ran activ­i­ties all week that focus on healthy deci­sion mak­ing, pre­ven­tion, and being drug and alco­hol free.

For the past 33 years, our schools have rec­og­nized Red Ribbon Week to encour­age per­son­al and pub­lic sup­port of drug free liv­ing and to acknowl­edge the many prob­lems drugs and alco­hol cause in our society.

At Snyder Middle School, the Owls proud­ly wore neon col­ors to show they are “TOO BRIGHT FOR DRUGS!” 

At Shafer Middle School, the Sharks wore College Gear!

We also took this week to remind our fam­i­lies that if they have any con­cerns, they should con­tact their child’s school counselor.

For help­ful advice on how to talk to your child about drugs and alco­hol, go to: