Bensalem’s FIRST LEGO League Teams Advancing to Regionals

Congratulations to the Belmont Bionic Bulldogs (first place in the robot games), Valley Dragon Bots (first place in their inno­va­tion project), and the Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots from Struble (third place in the Champions Award)! These three teams will be advanc­ing to Regionals on February 1st.
The rook­ie team, Valley’s Robotic Dragons, received the Inspiration Award from the judges for their core val­ues in show­ing enthu­si­asm and team spir­it! They worked togeth­er in such a pos­i­tive way all day through­out com­pe­ti­tion and all sea­son long, and it showed!
Congratulations to all our participants!