CBSD In-House Computer Repair Specialists Earn Lenovo’s Elite Servicer Award

Central Bucks School District is proud to announce that the district’s Building Computer Specialist Team, enter­ing its third full school year as a par­tic­i­pant in the Lenovo Certified Warranty Self-Maintainer Program, has earned the program’s Elite Servicer Award for its speed and skill in repair­ing stu­dent, fac­ul­ty and staff laptops. … Read more...

Gibson and Reynolds Elected CBSD Board President & VP

The Central Bucks School District Board of School Directors elect­ed Susan Gibson and Heather Reynolds as President and Vice President, respec­tive­ly, of the Board at its December 2 Organization Meeting. Both began their ser­vice on the Board in Nov. 2023 and are enter­ing their sec­ond year on the Board.

Other Board …

Volunteer Emergency Responders Can Save on Property Taxes

If you are a vol­un­teer with a local fire com­pa­ny or non­prof­it emer­gency med­ical ser­vice agency, Central Bucks School District wants to thank you for your ser­vice by help­ing reduce your prop­er­ty taxes.

A new­ly enact­ed Volunteer Service Tax Credit Program passed by the CBSD School Board in September 2024 pro­vides a … Read more...

New CBSD Webpage for Easy Access to Resources

At Central Bucks School District, effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion with our stake­hold­ers is a top pri­or­i­ty as we con­tin­ue to build trust and a strong cul­ture. As a dis­trict, we are com­mit­ted to reg­u­lar and trans­par­ent information-sharing about our school system’s work, pro­grams and initiatives. 

To sup­port this goal, the dis­trict is