BTSD Welcomes New Elementary Assistant Principal

Mr. Ben began his career in edu­ca­tion as a fifth-grade teacher at Anne Frank Elementary School in the School District of Philadelphia.  He taught a Russian-English dual lan­guage class­room with an empha­sis on devel­op­ing stu­dents’ cross-cultural and cross-linguistic com­pe­tence.  He has held var­i­ous posi­tions such as Curriculum Writer and Principal Intern.  He served most recent­ly as assis­tant prin­ci­pal at John Marshall School.

Mr. Ben earned his Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and Special Education from Temple University and his Master of Science in Education from the University of Pennsylvania. 

I look for­ward to com­ing home to Bensalem, join­ing the lead­er­ship team, and being in ser­vice to the stu­dents, par­ents, teach­ers, and staff of the Bensalem com­mu­ni­ty,” said Ben. 

The Bensalem Township School District is pleased to wel­come Mr. Ben to their admin­is­tra­tive team.