Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT) has been recognized as Best in the Region

We are over­joyed to share that Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT) has been rec­og­nized as Best in the Region, earn­ing top hon­ors in FOUR cat­e­gories in the Bucks County Herald’s Best of the Region awards! Your unwa­ver­ing sup­port and votes have pro­pelled us to this incred­i­ble achievement.

🏆 Best Trade School
🏆 Best Adult Learning Center
🏆 Best Cosmetology School
🏆 Best Day Care Center

Mark Covelle, Administrative Director of MBIT, expressed his pride:
“Middle Bucks Institute of Technology is hon­ored to be named Best in the Region in four dis­tinct cat­e­gories. At a time when career and tech­ni­cal edu­ca­tion is expe­ri­enc­ing record inter­est and enroll­ment, this recog­ni­tion under­scores the excep­tion­al achieve­ments of career and tech­ni­cal cen­ters across the Commonwealth. MBIT takes pride in pro­vid­ing unpar­al­leled oppor­tu­ni­ties for stu­dents, and these awards high­light the qual­i­ty and unique­ness of our programs.”

These acco­lades rep­re­sent our ongo­ing com­mit­ment to excel­lence and our ded­i­ca­tion to fos­ter­ing growth, inno­va­tion, and suc­cess for stu­dents of all ages. At MBIT, we strive to empow­er indi­vid­u­als through dynam­ic career and tech­ni­cal edu­ca­tion pro­grams that open doors to end­less opportunities.

We extend our heart­felt grat­i­tude to the MBIT community—students, staff, fam­i­lies, and supporters—whose belief in our mis­sion has made this recog­ni­tion pos­si­ble. Thank you for your votes, your trust, and your con­tin­ued encour­age­ment as we set the stan­dard for career and tech­ni­cal edu­ca­tion in the region.

Together, we are build­ing brighter futures! 💫