Multimedia Students Recognized at Bucks Fever FilmFest!

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Multimedia Technology stu­dents were rec­og­nized for their imag­i­na­tive tal­ents at the 20th annu­al Bucks Fever FilmFest held vir­tu­al­ly on Saturday, October 10, 202. FilmFest began back in 1999 with the inten­tion of adding a con­tem­po­rary art form of grow­ing inter­est in Bucks County, a Film Festival, to the 25-year-old Bucks Fever, Celebration of the ArtsProgram.  FilmFest would encour­age and sup­port the growth of a film­mak­ing com­mu­ni­ty by pro­vid­ing a venue to view the works of area pro­fes­sion­al and stu­dent filmmakers.

Four pro­duc­tions were sub­mit­ted to the Bucks Fever FilmFest in the High School Division. Of these sub­mis­sions, there were three cat­e­go­ry win­ners and final­ists. Multimedia stu­dents (Shamus Duffy, David Ward, Ian Kozlik, Tyler Dewald, and Tom Hetrick) grad­u­at­ed from MBIT last June, but con­tin­ue to receive the praise of their work com­plet­ed at Middle Bucks Institute of Technology in the 2019–2020 school year. The tal­ent behind Multimedia Technology’s achieve­ments include:

  • Slip Up” – Winner of the Narrative film cat­e­go­ry: Ian Kozlik, Tom Hetrick, Shamus Duffy, Tyler Dewald and David Ward.
  • Upside Down”- Winner of the Music Video cat­e­go­ry and Winner of Best Screenplay: David Ward, Eddie Kenna, Luke Whitney, Billy Kubacki, Tai Lowry, Shamus Duffy, and Tyler Dewald.
  • Signal” – Finalist in the Narrative Film Category: Shamus Duffy, Luke Whitney, Billy Kubacki, Ian Kozlik, Nalani McDonald, Eddie Kenna, Zach Gehring,
  • Static”- Finalist in the Narrative Film Category: Billy Kubacki, Luke Whitney, Ian Kozlik, Eddie Kenna, Shamus Duffy, and Brendan McCreesh.

The Multimedia Technology stu­dents are sup­port­ed and instruct­ed by their teacher, Mr. James Davey, who him­self is an Emmy Award win­ner in his own right. Mr. Davey joined the staff at Middle Bucks in January 2015 to teach Multimedia Technology to stu­dents from Centennial, Central Bucks, Council Rock and New Hope Solebury School Districts. The Multimedia Technology pro­gram pre­pares high school for careers in media pro­duc­tion and design with an empha­sis on story-telling, indus­try tech­niques, as well as soft­ware and hard­ware nec­es­sary for cre­at­ing con­tent for busi­ness, edu­ca­tion, and entertainment.