Li’l Bucks Preschool at Middle Bucks Institute of Technology achieves Keystone STAR 4 accreditation for providing outstanding care!

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s on-site Childcare Center l, Lil’ Bucks Partners in Learning, has earned a 4 STAR rat­ing from Pennsylvania’s Keystone STARS rat­ing sys­tem, the high­est rat­ing pos­si­ble.  Keystone STARS ­gives fam­i­lies a tool to gauge the qual­i­ty of ear­ly learn­ing pro­grams and informs par­ents that their chil­dren are in a safe, respect­ful envi­ron­ment. Childcare and Head Start pro­grams earn a STAR 1 to STAR 4 lev­el. At each lev­el, pro­grams must meet cer­tain qual­i­ty stan­dards in four key areas: staff edu­ca­tion, learn­ing envi­ron­ment, leadership/management, and family/community part­ner­ships. The high­er the STAR lev­el, the high­er the qual­i­ty standards.

Since the incep­tion of the Keystone STARS pro­gram in 2002, the Performance Standards have been the bedrock of the pro­gram. The stan­dards are guid­ed by the prin­ci­ple that qual­i­ty ear­ly learn­ing pro­grams are the foun­da­tion for chil­dren’s suc­cess, and invest­ment in the ear­ly care and edu­ca­tion of Pennsylvania’s chil­dren is an invest­ment in the future. The Keystone STARS Performance Standards reflect research-based prac­tices to improve out­comes for chil­dren. The stan­dards are orga­nized into four STAR lev­els that build upon each oth­er in order to sup­port con­tin­u­ous qual­i­ty improve­ment. When a pro­gram meets the Performance Standards for a STAR lev­el, they receive the mark of qual­i­ty, a STAR designation.

The Performance Standards for Keystone STARS quality-rated providers are guid­ed by the prin­ci­ple that qual­i­ty ear­ly learn­ing pro­grams are the foun­da­tion for chil­dren’s suc­cess. Additionally, an invest­ment in the ear­ly care and edu­ca­tion of Pennsylvania’s chil­dren is an invest­ment in the future. A vital part of Pennsylvania’s ear­ly learn­ing sys­tem, Keystone STARS works with pro­grams, such as Head Start, school-aged pro­grams, and pro­grams cer­ti­fied by the Department of Human Services.

Lil’ Bucks ori­gin began in 1990 with the open­ing of Middle Bucks Preschool in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the start of a new pro­gram called Occupational Child Development for high school stu­dents inter­est­ed in careers in edu­ca­tion.  In 2005, the preschool became its own sep­a­rate busi­ness known as “Li’l Bucks Partners in Learning” and expand­ed to offer full-time child­care ser­vices. Li’l Buck also became accred­it­ed as a Keystone STAR 3.

In 2015, Li’l Bucks cel­e­brat­ed 10-years of pro­vid­ing qual­i­ty child­care ser­vices to fam­i­lies such as on-site phys­i­cal and speech ther­a­py, head start ser­vices, and tuition assis­tance for low income fam­i­lies.  Li’l Bucks’ ongo­ing mis­sion is to incor­po­rate age appro­pri­ate cur­ricu­lum, which is adapt­ed for the devel­op­men­tal needs of chil­dren between eigh­teen months and five years old. Children are engaged in a vari­ety of play and learn­ing expe­ri­ences to enhance their intel­lec­tu­al, social, emo­tion­al, moral, and phys­i­cal growth.

 High qual­i­ty ear­ly learn­ing pro­grams offer chil­dren a stim­u­lat­ing, nur­tur­ing envi­ron­ment which should help pre­pare chil­dren for school and to reach their full poten­tial. Quality envi­ron­ments pro­vide a stim­u­lat­ing, lov­ing atmos­phere in which chil­dren thrive. MBIT’s Li’l Bucks child­care cen­ter is striv­ing to pro­vide excep­tion­al care to the young minds of our community!