Pre‑K Counts Program Continues in 3 Pennsbury Schools

A grant-funded, pre-school pro­gram for three- and four-year-old chil­dren is con­tin­u­ing this year in the Pennsbury School District thanks to a joint effort between Pennsbury and the Morrisville YMCA. Known as the Pre‑K Counts Program, these class­room ses­sions are being offered on a full-day basis, five days each week, for the full school year. Funded entire­ly by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), Pre‑K Counts is open to chil­dren of fam­i­lies in Bucks County who meet eli­gi­bil­i­ty guide­lines. Children must be three or four years old by September 1st to par­tic­i­pate. Spearheading this effort in Pennsbury is Walt Disney Elementary School Principal, Laurie Ruffing. “The Pre‑K Counts Program ben­e­fits our community’s youngest learn­ers to pre­pare them for a suc­cess­ful kinder­garten expe­ri­ence. We are very excit­ed to once again have full-day Pre‑K this year, with class­es at Walt Disney, Manor, and Penn Valley ele­men­tary schools,” said Ms. Ruffing. “This year, we are able to pro­vide 90 chil­dren with a high qual­i­ty preschool expe­ri­ence. We uti­lize Scholastic’s Big Day for PreK cur­ricu­lum and cer­ti­fied teach­ers to help these chil­dren build skills need­ed for Kindergarten.” Ms. Ruffing wel­comes calls from com­mu­ni­ty res­i­dents who may be inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about the Pre‑K Counts pro­gram. She may be reached at 215–949-6868, ext. 20815.