Middle school tops Philadelphia Coaches vs. Cancer fundraisers

In ear­ly June, Maple Point Middle School (Langhorne)  Coaches vs. Cancer fundrais­er vol­un­teers held a recog­ni­tion cer­e­mo­ny. This year the school raised an astound­ing $23,530 for the American Cancer Society, mak­ing Maple Point the #1 fundrais­ing team out of 43 in the entire Philadelphia region for CvC dona­tions. Coach Fred Gross was named the Volunteer of the Year at the ceremony.

The entire school par­tic­i­pat­ed in this effort, which cen­tered around a sold-out bas­ket­ball tour­na­ment fea­tur­ing teams from Maple Point and Carl Sandburg Middle Schools held in March. Money was raised through admis­sions, t‑shirt sales and raf­fle bas­kets donat­ed by local busi­ness, fam­i­lies and individuals.

Congratulations to advi­sors Jason Pienta and Neil French, and all the Coaches vs. Cancer vol­un­teers, play­ers and con­trib­u­tors for this remark­able achievement.

Students in the stands cheering at the Coaches vs. Cancer tournament