10-Day Film Challenge

Our Multimedia Technology stu­dents were recent­ly rec­og­nized at the 10-Day Film Challenge Awards Ceremony for their orig­i­nal short films. The stu­dents trav­eled to Philadelphia to attend the movie pre­mier and awards pre­sen­ta­tion. The film We Can Fix This won first in the Pennsylvania State Awards for Best Movie, Best Use … Read more...

MBIT Summer Career Exploration Program

The Summer Career Exploration Program pro­vides week-long career enrich­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for stu­dents who have com­plet­ed 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th grade so they can begin to focus on career path­ways.  The pro­gram is designed to pro­vide inte­grat­ed hands-on learn­ing activ­i­ties in a vari­ety of career settings.

 Week of:  Monday

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology partners with BCCC to Certify Public Safety Students with new Certifications!

MBIT and Bucks County Community College are col­lab­o­rat­ing to give Public Safety high school stu­dents the oppor­tu­ni­ty to become pro­fes­sion­al­ly cer­ti­fied Fire Inspectors. This cer­ti­fi­ca­tion will help Public Safety stu­dents have an edge over com­pe­ti­tion when apply­ing for employ­ment. Upon com­ple­tion of a writ­ten exam and skill sta­tion assess­ments, the … Read more...

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology SkillsUSA students raise money for the Ronald McDonald House

The Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT) stu­dent gov­ern­ment asso­ci­a­tion, SkillsUSA, coor­di­nates school events and fundrais­ing cam­paigns through­out the course of the school year. Recently, the stu­dents raised mon­ey for the SkillsUSA State Initiative, the “Ronald McDonald House”.  MBIT was able to raise $1,230.  The SkillsUSA offi­cers … Read more...

MBIT Summer Career Exploration Program

The Summer Career Exploration Program pro­vides week-long career enrich­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for stu­dents who have com­plet­ed 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th grade so they can begin to focus on career path­ways.  The pro­gram is designed to pro­vide inte­grat­ed hands-on learn­ing activ­i­ties in a vari­ety of career settings.

 Week of:  Monday

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Student-Built House for Sale ! Bid packets are available – Bids will be opened on March 2, 2021!

The Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Student–Built House Project is for sale! This year’s house is a 4‑bedroom, 2‑½ bath, ready-to-move-and-assemble mod­u­lar house. The student-built house is a qual­i­ty con­struct­ed, two-story colo­nial house mea­sur­ing approx­i­mate­ly 2,688 square feet and includes a kitchen, din­ing room, liv­ing room, fam­i­ly room and laun­dry

MBIT Horticulture, Landscape & Design Students Design Garden at Washington’s Crossing National Cemetery

The Horticulture, Landscape & Design pro­gram facil­i­tat­ed the design and instal­la­tion of The Never Forget Garden at the Washington’s Crossing National Cemetery.  This project, in part­ner­ship with the Travis Manion Foundation, frames the back­ground of two of the cemetery’s Memorial Walls, and is in place to com­mem­o­rate … Read more...

MBIT Student participates in Washington Leadership Training Institute

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology senior, Kathryn Gingoloski, joined a del­e­ga­tion of Career and Technical Education (CTE) stu­dents and instruc­tors from Pennsylvania to meet with leg­isla­tive lead­ers on September 25, 2018. Congressional vis­its are an impor­tant part of SkillsUSA’s Washington Leadership Training Institute (WLTI). The del­e­ga­tion … Read more...

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s Annual Open House Thursday, November 29th 7–9 PM

Don’t miss this EXCITING opportunity
to learn more about the high wage,
high demand career and col­lege readiness
train­ing pro­grams offered at
Middle Bucks Institute of Technology.


Multimedia Students Recognized at Bucks Fever FilmFest!

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Multimedia Technology stu­dents were rec­og­nized for their imag­i­na­tive tal­ents at the 20th annu­al Bucks Fever FilmFest held vir­tu­al­ly on Saturday, October 10, 202. FilmFest began back in 1999 with the inten­tion of adding a con­tem­po­rary art form of grow­ing inter­est in Bucks County, a … Read more...

MBIT National Technical Honor Society

Middle Bucks induct­ed thir­ty stu­dents into the National Technical Honor Society. This is an impor­tant achieve­ment for these select stu­dents because to qual­i­fy for nom­i­na­tion, stu­dents must be nom­i­nat­ed by a pro­fes­sion­al staff mem­ber, main­tain an “A” aver­age in his/her tech­ni­cal area, main­tain a 3.4 aver­age or bet­ter in all … Read more...

National Technical Honor Society at Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Inducts fourteen New Students

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT) Chapter of the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) inducts four­teen new stu­dent mem­bers. The mis­sion of the NTHS is to hon­or stu­dent achieve­ment and lead­er­ship in career and tech­ni­cal edu­ca­tion, pro­mote edu­ca­tion­al excel­lence, award schol­ar­ships, and enhance career oppor­tu­ni­ties for … Read more...