Bensalem Student Earns Academic Honors from College Board National Recognition Programs

Eligible stu­dents have a GPA of 3.5 or high­er and have excelled on the PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 10, or earned a score of 3 or high­er on two or more AP Exams; and are African American or Black, Hispanic American or Latinx, Indigenous, and/or attend school in a rur­al area or small town.   David has been a principal’s list hon­or roll stu­dent through­out high school. He also earned a first place award in the Eastern Area Young Masters 2.0 high school com­pe­ti­tion in 2021 and 2022.  David is a mem­ber of Blue Crew, Blue Gray and Community Service Club. He plays the trum­pet in band, soc­cer and runs track and field.  His hob­bies and out of school activ­i­ties include play­ing soc­cer and bas­ket­ball, help­ing his mom with cook­ing and vol­un­teer­ing at vaca­tion Bible School at his church. David plans to attend a top uni­ver­si­ty and is con­sid­er­ing major­ing in math or jour­nal­ism.   Bensalem Township School District is extreme­ly proud of the accom­plish­ments of our aca­d­e­m­i­cal­ly tal­ent­ed stu­dents and con­grat­u­lates David on this out­stand­ing achieve­ment.  He was rec­og­nized at the September 28 School Board Action Meeting.

National College Board Winner