#StandUp Neshaminy launches anti-opioid campaign

By now, almost every­body has heard about or even been per­son­al­ly affect­ed by the fast-growing nation­wide opi­oid abuse cri­sis. This drug epi­dem­ic is unlike any oth­er that pre­ced­ed it, claim­ing vic­tims across demo­graph­ic, social and racial lines. Bucks County has been espe­cial­ly hard-hit, with 185 opioid-related deaths record­ed last year, a 50% increase from the pre­vi­ous year. While the high­est rates of over­dos­es are found in those of age 25–54, teenagers have been increas­ing­ly affect­ed with vic­tims as young as 12 years of age report­ed locally.

Starting in ear­ly 2017, a small group of con­cerned Neshaminy teach­ers and par­ents gath­ered at Maple Point Middle School to think about ways to respond and pro­vide resources for schools and fam­i­lies to pre­vent opi­oid abuse and help those already affect­ed by it. Organized by Jan King, Lead Teacher for Health and Physical Education at Neshaminy, this group grew dur­ing the year to include teach­ers, admin­is­tra­tors, par­ents, coun­selors, reha­bil­i­ta­tion cen­ter staff, local police depart­ments, Bucks County offi­cials, and out­side sup­port groups. The effort was brand­ed #StandUp Neshaminy in recog­ni­tion of the wide­spread nature of this prob­lem, and the need to address it open­ly and pro­vide resources and help togeth­er as a car­ing community.


In September, the first cam­paign geared toward the par­ents of ele­men­tary school par­ents was launched at each Back to School Night. Cards were hand­ed to each vis­it­ing par­ent and guardian direct­ing them to vis­it the new web­site, and a video was pro­duced with tips for talk­ing with their chil­dren with age-appropriate con­ver­sa­tions and infor­ma­tion to help them stay strong in the face of soci­etal challenges.

Video Linkhttps://www.facebook.com/StandUp-Neshaminy-1460650707370199/