FDR Middle School Debuts Innovative Learning Lab

On Wednesday, August 29th, FDR Middle School offi­cial­ly opened our state of the art, first of its kind in the coun­try, Verizon Innovative Learning Lab. Attended by the prin­ci­pal and staff of FDR, the super­in­ten­dent, mem­bers of the school board and local politi­cians, the FDR Tiger Techs held a rib­bon cut­ting cer­e­mo­ny and gave tours of the new space. Tiger Techs show­cased the amaz­ing tools,  includ­ing a Movie and Music Maker booth, Virtual Reality/ Augmented Reality, Laser Cutter, and 3D print­ers. This lab and the grand open­ing were sim­ply amazing!