Try Before You Play” Event Builds Excitement for Music Education

During the sec­ond week of the new school year, Neshaminy School District music teach­ers and a group of Neshaminy High School stu­dent musi­cians wel­comed dis­trict ele­men­tary school stu­dents to Instrumental Music Discovery Night. This annu­al event was an oppor­tu­ni­ty for prospec­tive musi­cians to try out var­i­ous string and band instru­ments, find out more about the award-winning music pro­gram at Neshaminy, and enjoy a cou­ple of short per­for­mances by some of the high school musi­cians (which you can see toward the end of the video below). 

The event not only allows stu­dents to find out which instru­ments might be a good fit for them, but also helps them to learn how join­ing one of the musi­cal groups is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to make friends for life and par­tic­i­pate in an activ­i­ty that brings joy to them­selves and others.