Bucks IU Approved to Train the Trainers

The Bucks County Intermediate Unit (Bucks IU) is now cer­ti­fied as one of only three pro­grams in Pennsylvania to pro­vide the Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) competency-based, basic lev­el job train­ing pro­gram. ACRE train­ing is designed for job coach­es, job devel­op­ers, tran­si­tion spe­cial­ists, job place­ment per­son­nel, employ­ment spe­cial­ists, and employ­ment con­sul­tants who work in career devel­op­ment ser­vices for peo­ple with spe­cial needs.

Participants in ACRE train­ing gain prac­ti­cal skills used to pro­vide top-tier employ­ment ser­vices and sup­port for indi­vid­u­als with disabilities.

The Bucks IU has a strong foun­da­tion prepar­ing indi­vid­u­als with dis­abil­i­ties to achieve com­pet­i­tive employ­ment,” stat­ed Dr. Mark Hoffman, Bucks IU Executive Director. “Offering ACRE Training per­fect­ly aligns with our Bucks IU vision to ‘learn, flour­ish, and con­tribute’ as we offer an addi­tion­al tier of ser­vice to sup­port adults with spe­cial needs secure and main­tain employment.” 

The first cohort of ACRE train­ing is sched­uled to begin in October 2024 with both in-person and vir­tu­al options available.

After going through the basic-level train­ing, ACRE cer­ti­fied pro­fes­sion­als are bet­ter able to help indi­vid­u­als with dis­abil­i­ties prac­tice and devel­op the con­fi­dence, skills, and strate­gies they need to obtain and retain employ­ment.  Anyone inter­est­ed in com­plet­ing the train­ing may find more infor­ma­tion and reg­is­ter at:

For ques­tions or more infor­ma­tion about ACRE train­ing or to learn more about the Bucks IU’s pro­grams for adults with dis­abil­i­ties, please vis­it https://www.BucksIU.org/AdultPrograms or con­tact Lorie McCrory, Bucks IU Supervisor of Adult Programs and Services, at LMcCrory@BucksIU.org