The Bucks County Intermediate Unit2023-2024 Student Art Gallery

The artis­tic tal­ent of Bucks County stu­dents took cen­ter stage at the 20th Annual Student Art Gallery recep­tion, held on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit (Bucks IU) Administrative Offices in Doylestown. Showcasing the cre­ativ­i­ty of young minds, this event served as a cel­e­bra­tion of artis­tic expres­sion, where stu­dents, par­ents, friends, and edu­ca­tors gath­ered to admire and applaud the select­ed pieces cho­sen for exhi­bi­tion. From vibrant paint­ings to intri­cate sculp­tures, the gallery pro­vid­ed a cap­ti­vat­ing glimpse into the diverse tal­ents flour­ish­ing with­in the local stu­dent community.

Nicole Borland, Bucks IU Director of Teaching and Learning, stat­ed “It is tru­ly inspir­ing to see the tal­ent and vision of these stu­dent artists. The Bucks IU is hon­ored to share these amaz­ing pieces with our Bucks County com­mu­ni­ty by pro­vid­ing an exhi­bi­tion gallery in our offices where a few thou­sand vis­i­tors get to view and enjoy them each year.”

The 2023–2024 Student Art Gallery Honorees were:

  • Angel Lugo – Bensalem School District
  • Darianna Rivera – Bristol Borough School District
  • Gage Currie – Bristol Township School District
  • Maya Krieger – Bucks County Intermediate Unit
  • Mary Korol – Centennial School District
  • Olivia Zimmer – Central Bucks School District
  • Annabelle Schu – Council Rock School District
  • Alaina Sottile – Morrisville School District
  • Kristyn McCool – Neshaminy School District
  • Tori Cahill – New Hope-Solebury School District
  • Lily Clifford – Palisades School District
  • Karlie Good – Pennridge School District
  • Michael McCool – Pennsbury School District
  • Alivia Edwards – Quakertown Community School District


At the recep­tion, each stu­dent was award­ed a cer­tifi­cate, had their pho­to tak­en along­side their exhib­it­ed art­work, and received a gift bag of art sup­plies. The art bags were gen­er­ous­ly pro­vid­ed through a col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Michener Art Museum from an Art Stars grant sup­port­ed by the M&T Charitable Foundation.

All Bucks County pub­lic school dis­tricts are invit­ed to sub­mit stu­dent art­work to be hung in this annu­al exhi­bi­tion dis­played for a full school year in the Bucks IU Administrative Offices. These pieces may be by a stu­dent of any grade lev­el that dis­plays excep­tion­al artis­tic abil­i­ties. Submissions are juried for inclu­sion by the Bucks IU Visual Arts Advisory Council. The Council is made up of Bucks County Art Teachers as well as indi­vid­u­als from local art gal­leries and museums.

The Arts Advisory Council pro­vides the final touch­es to make the select­ed art­work ready for dis­play. These stu­dent pieces are hung along­side pieces of art from the Bucks IU’s own exten­sive art col­lec­tion. For more on the Bucks IU’s art col­lec­tion and ded­i­ca­tion to the arts, please go to: