BHS Teacher of the Year Faculty Names 2021–22 Winner

The com­mit­tee defined the BHS Teacher of the Year as “A ded­i­cat­ed edu­ca­tor who demon­strates com­mit­ment and pas­sion for their craft. Earning the admi­ra­tion of the fac­ul­ty, admin­is­tra­tion, and stu­dents, this teacher chal­lenges and engages stu­dents and is com­mit­ted to their suc­cess – demon­strat­ing a pas­sion and joy of teach­ing that inspires the school com­mu­ni­ty.”
In order to pick the win­ner, the com­mit­tee cre­at­ed an inclu­sive process which involved teach­ers, stu­dents, and admin­is­tra­tors. Each of the five build­ing admin­is­tra­tors ini­tial­ly nom­i­nat­ed two teach­ers. Teachers and stu­dents then vot­ed, and three final­ists were cho­sen. Following this process, the three final­ists’ names were sub­mit­ted to the BHS admin­is­tra­tive team who, as a group, chose the win­ner.
For this inau­gur­al year, the three final­ists were: Mrs. Chelsea Root, Mr. Christopher Sterman, and Col. John Church. The win­ner was announced at the BHS Pep Rally on Friday, March 25 in front of the entire school community.
Colonel Church said, “Master Sergeant Worthen and I are blessed to be teach­ing some amaz­ing young peo­ple, to have strong sup­port from the staff, fac­ul­ty and fam­i­lies and we enjoy being a part of the BHS fam­i­ly.  His devo­tion to duty, the amaz­ing cadets in our charge and our peers inspire me to give my best every day.”  
Congratulations to Colonel John Church, MCJROTC Senior Marine Instructor, win­ner of the BHS Teacher of the Year Award for 2021–22!