Neshaminy artists featured in White House display

This hol­i­day sea­son, Neshaminy School District is very proud that art­work cre­at­ed by our tal­ent­ed stu­dents was cho­sen to be rep­re­sent­ed in the White House Christmas dis­plays in Washington D.C. The theme for 2020 was “America Celebrates,” and the dec­o­ra­tions appeared on trees on the Ellipse inside President’s Park as well as inside the White House. All the United States and ter­ri­to­ries were rep­re­sent­ed, and Neshaminy is the only District rep­re­sent­ing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for this dis­play. All the stu­dent artists were invit­ed to meet First Lady Melania Trump at the White House on Monday, November 30 and to see the dec­o­ra­tions on dis­play. Congratulations to all the stu­dents, and their art teach­ers Syd White, Alicia Luba, Terry O’Neill, and Dr. Stacy Potter for this honor.