Pennsbury Schools, District Earn National Recognition, a nation­al advo­cate and leader for char­ac­ter devel­op­ment in our schools and com­mu­ni­ties, has named the Pennsbury School District a 2020 National District of Character and Afton, Edgewood, Fallsington, Oxford Valley, and Quarry Hill ele­men­tary schools and Pennwood and William Penn mid­dle schools as 2020 National Schools of Character. These des­ig­na­tions renewed the National District and School dis­tinc­tions for these sev­en schools and the District as a whole since they were first named in 2015. Pennsbury was the only school dis­trict named this year in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania!

I could not be more proud of this des­ig­na­tion, espe­cial­ly at this time when the School District’s care and con­cern for our com­mu­ni­ty were high­light­ed among our strengths,” said Dr. Theresa Ricci, the Director of Secondary Education who over­saw the sub­mis­sion process this year. once again rec­og­nized these schools for demon­strat­ing their use of char­ac­ter devel­op­ment to dri­ve a pos­i­tive impact on aca­d­e­mics, stu­dent behav­ior, and school cli­mate. Earlier this year, des­ig­nat­ed Pennsbury a Pennsylvania State District of Character and all sev­en of these schools were also named Pennsylvania Schools of Character. In 2019, Charles Boehm Middle School was re-named both a State and National School of Character, as well, as that school had spear­head­ed the effort back in 2014. All oth­er remain­ing schools in the District will hold their 2016 des­ig­na­tions for one more year.

The Schools of Character pro­gram is not a com­pe­ti­tion, but rather an oppor­tu­ni­ty to go through a rig­or­ous process of feed­back and coach­ing, as well as recog­ni­tion for growth and excel­lence in the area of char­ac­ter devel­op­ment through’s 11 Principles of Effective Character Education frame­work. Pennsbury and each of the sev­en 2020 schools will hold this des­ig­na­tion for five years. will show­case the District and these schools in an annu­al pub­li­ca­tion and on its web­site. The schools have also earned the right to use the National Schools of Character name and logo. will hon­or Pennsbury and these sev­en schools at the National Forum on Character Education, to be held lat­er this year. Visit to learn more about the National Forum, the Schools of Character pro­gram, and the 2020 nation­al designees.