STEAM Energizers — Fun Activities for at Home

The COVID-19 quar­an­tine and school clo­sures is not keep­ing our Bucks IU Mobile FAB LAB from bring­ing amaz­ing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) activ­i­ties to stu­dents.  We are mak­ing sure stu­dent can still get the fun of STEAM learn­ing even when they’re at home.  Our STEAM Energizers are designed to pro­vide fun, edu­ca­tion­al activ­i­ties dai­ly!  The Bucks IU FAB LAB Team is list­ing them all online so that stu­dents can do each day’s, or revis­it and redo any of the pre­vi­ous ones.

Each dai­ly activ­i­ty includes var­i­ous options in terms of the tech­nol­o­gy stu­dents might need to have at home (from no-tech options to those requir­ing some-tech).  The STEAM activ­i­ties are based off of
Scholastic’s Learning at Home resources.

Check them all out at:

We love pro­vid­ing fun learn­ing — and hope every­one will check this out and get STEAM Energized!