A Special Pennsylvania State Appointment

Dr. Mark Hoffman, Bucks IU Executive Director, was recent­ly named to the Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission’s Advisory Committee on Secondary School Start Times. This com­mit­tee was created/authorized by 2017 Senate Resolution No. 417 to study the impact of school start times at the sec­ondary lev­el. Dr. Hoffman holds the dis­tinc­tion of being the only Executive Director, and one of only a few Superintendents, to be on the committee. 

This is a top­ic that our own Bucks County Superintendents have stud­ied togeth­er for some time. Dr. Hoffman stat­ed, “I hope my seat at the table allows us, as a coun­ty, to col­lec­tive­ly learn more about what is hap­pen­ing statewide with start times. I will pro­vide updates to, and seek input from, the Superintendents through­out my par­tic­i­pa­tion on the committee.” 

The committee’s first meet­ing will be February of 2019.