Bucks County Student Arts Expo

A Celebration of Performance and Visual Arts Education in our Public Schools

The School Districts of Bucks County are excit­ed to be host­ing an Arts Exposition to fea­ture and high­light the depth, breadth, and vari­ety of the arts pro­grams being offered through our Bucks County pub­lic schools.  This free expo is being held on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm at the Bensalem High School locat­ed at 4319 Hulmeville Rd., in Bensalem PA 19020.

The Arts in our Bucks County pub­lic schools can proud­ly be defined by focuss­es that extend far beyond the stan­dards of the ‘fine arts’ such as paint­ing, draw­ing, and sculp­ture.   Our pub­lic schools addi­tion­al­ly offer arts edu­ca­tion in areas that include dance, pho­tog­ra­phy, music, lit­er­ary arts, the­atre arts, dig­i­tal media, and more.  The Arts Expo will cel­e­brate this exten­sive arts edu­ca­tion offer­ing with a dynam­ic com­bi­na­tion of live per­for­mances and exhibits including:

Band Performances                         Pottery                                   Digital Media

Photography                                     Orchestra Performances    Choirs/Vocal Performances

Paintings                                            Drawings                                Dramatic Productions

Creative Writing                               Sculptures                             Instrumental Productions


Please join us to learn more about the wide vari­ety of Arts pro­grams and oppor­tu­ni­ties avail­able through our Bucks County pub­lic schools, or to sim­ply enjoy a fun, family-oriented cel­e­bra­tion of the arts.