Career Fair between Home Builders Association of Bucks and Montgomery Counties and Middle Bucks Institute of Technology a Huge Success

The Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT) and Home Builders Association of Bucks and Montgomery Counties (HBA) recent­ly teamed up to host a career fair for MBIT stu­dents, and the event was a resound­ing suc­cess. Held at the Middle Bucks cam­pus, the career fair pro­vid­ed stu­dents with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with local indus­try part­ners and learn more about poten­tial career paths.

Over 30 busi­ness­es and orga­ni­za­tions par­tic­i­pat­ed in the career fair, offer­ing more than 200 stu­dents infor­ma­tion about their indus­tries, career paths, and job oppor­tu­ni­ties. Students were able to speak with employ­ers and present their resumes and career goals.

State Representative Brian Fitzpatrick took the time to attend the career fair, speak­ing with stu­dents and engag­ing with indus­try part­ners, all of which helped to make the event a suc­cess and demon­strate the com­mit­ment to address­ing the skilled labor shortage.

We were thrilled to host the HBA for a career fair at Middle Bucks Institute of Technology.  Not only did our stu­dents get to imple­ment their employ­a­bil­i­ty skills by meet­ing with com­pa­nies and shar­ing their resumes, but they also were intro­duced to over 30 indus­try part­ners who are eager to hire a skilled work­force.  A true win-win for our stu­dents and the mem­bers of the HBA!  We look for­ward to con­tin­ued growth in our part­ner­ship togeth­er.” ‑Dr. Mark Covelle, Administrative Director Middle Bucks Institute of Technology

Ms. Carla Zapotek, Executive Vice President, HBA of Bucks & Montgomery Counties stat­ed, “The Home Builders Association of Bucks and Montgomery Counties cre­at­ed a Workforce Development Council to help address the skilled trades labor short­age we face across the state and our coun­try by part­ner­ing with local CTE schools.”

Zapotek added “In recent years, the part­ner­ship with the HBA and MBIT has grown, and we are proud of the efforts our mem­bers make to con­nect with the stu­dents of the con­struc­tion trades pro­grams result­ing in future careers. Working with every­one has been a plea­sure, and I can’t wait to see where it goes!”

What an awe­some, inspir­ing event. To con­nect employ­ers with stu­dents who are trained with the skills they need. Thanks for your sup­port HBA!” — Mr. Randy McDowell, Electrical Technology Instructor at MBIT.

The career fair was a huge suc­cess, and it’s clear that it had a pos­i­tive impact on the stu­dents who attend­ed. The HBA and Middle Bucks Institute of Technology are proud to have worked togeth­er to cre­ate such a valu­able oppor­tu­ni­ty for stu­dents and local busi­ness­es alike.