LMT Starbucks Features Student Art

Thanks to Colin Rooney, a Pennsbury alum­nus and store man­ag­er of the Starbucks of Oxford Oaks in Lower Makefield Township (by Kohl’s), Pennsbury stu­dent work is proud­ly on dis­play there through­out the hol­i­day season.

The art­work was cre­at­ed by stu­dents enrolled in the MOST pro­gram. MOST, which stands for More Opportunities for Student Training, is a spe­cial edu­ca­tion pro­gram that serves stu­dents who are 18–21 years old. The goal is to pre­pare them for the tran­si­tion into adult­hood and post-graduate life in their com­mu­ni­ty. MOST teach­ers aim to pro­vide as many authen­tic work and com­mu­ni­ty liv­ing expe­ri­ences as pos­si­ble to help stu­dents devel­op trans­fer­able skills that will lead to independence.

Pennsbury art teacher, Maggie Weber, explains the stu­dent assign­ment that gen­er­at­ed this work cur­rent­ly on exhib­it: “The MOST stu­dents have been cre­at­ing art at home through vir­tu­al learn­ing and our first unit was called Superheroes & Self. Students designed their own super­heroes and then emailed pho­tos of their work to me. I turned them into SuperHero Trading Cards and dis­trib­uted them.  The stu­dents real­ly enjoyed hav­ing copies of their own art­work as well as see­ing the oth­ers made by their class­mates. It became an inter­est­ing way to show con­nec­tions through art in the time of COVID-19!”