Centennial Gets National Recognition from Khan Academy

Last year, William Tennent High School offered stu­dents in 10th and 11th grades the oppor­tu­ni­ty to enroll in a new course, SAT Preparation. This class offers a unique blend of teacher instruc­tion and the on-line resource, Khan Academy. In col­lab­o­ra­tion with the College Board, Khan Academy has devel­oped a free SAT train­ing pro­gram avail­able on-line. Students log into Khan Academy and link their pro­file with their College Board account and this allows Khan Academy to read the stu­dents’ PSAT scores and indi­vid­u­al­ize the stu­dents’ prac­tice pace and train­ing to improve on spe­cif­ic skill areas. WTHS Administration designed the new SAT Prep course by assign­ing a math and English teacher to give direct instruc­tion through mini-lessons and to coach stu­dents indi­vid­u­al­ly as they work through the Khan Academy practice.

One hun­dred and eight WTHS stu­dents took the course with the goal of rais­ing their SAT scores from their base­line PSAT score. Throughout the course, stu­dents logged at least 45 hours of prac­tice exer­cis­es and full-tests on Khan Academy, while also con­fer­enc­ing with teach­ers about their progress, meet­ing with school coun­selors about the the col­lege appli­ca­tion process, and review­ing key con­cepts for math, read­ing, and writ­ing skills. Of these 108 stu­dents, 86 have PSAT and SAT scores avail­able. The aver­age growth of these 86 stu­dents is 130 points. Sixty-four per­cent of the stu­dents increased their SAT scores by at least 100 points. Three stu­dents can brag that they were able to raise their SAT score by 300 points.
