MBIT Important Industry Connections

Our Work-Based Education Coordinators, Mrs. Pamela Swoyer and Mr. Steve Guinan, vis­it­ed MBIT Co-Op stu­dents this sum­mer. As you can tell they were very busy and we are so proud of all of them!

Work-Based Education Experiences include:

Shadowing: Worksite vis­i­ta­tion and an oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet and observe tech­ni­cal and pro­fes­sion­al employ­ees and busi­ness own­ers in the stu­den­t’s cho­sen field.

Clinical Experiences: Non-paid, work-based expe­ri­ences in hos­pi­tals, long-term care facil­i­ties, day care cen­ters, preschools, salons, restau­rants, spe­cial­ty stores, etc.

Internships: Paid and non-paid work-based expe­ri­ences for a spec­i­fied length of time.

Apprenticeships: Program-related expe­ri­ences that allow stu­dents to earn while they learn and work towards a jour­neyper­son­’s cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. These expe­ri­ences are reg­is­tered through the Federal Department of Labor and the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training.

Capstone Experiences: Program-related place­ments that are paid, on-the-job train­ing posi­tions and are con­sid­ered an exten­sion of the class­room. The time­line for place­ment is indi­vid­u­al­ized and based on stu­dent needs. Students are trained under the direct super­vi­sion of the employ­er and are assigned a men­tor. Students’ progress is mon­i­tored and eval­u­at­ed by the school and the employ­er on a con­tin­u­al basis.

Job/Career Placement Services: Based on the student’s career goals, MBIT pro­vides job place­ment ser­vices to help meet indi­vid­ual needs and inter­ests. Placement rates for MBIT grad­u­ates have been excel­lent and his­tor­i­cal­ly exceed­ed 90% for those stu­dents who desire and active­ly pur­sue job or col­lege placement.

MBIT is com­mit­ted to the place­ment of all suc­cess­ful students.

For more infor­ma­tion contact:

Pamela Swoyer: pswoyer@mbit.org 215–343-2480 ext 262

Steve Guinan: sguinan@mbit.org 215–343-2480 ext 263
