2022 Summer Career Exploration Program

The Summer Career Exploration Program pro­vides week-long career enrich­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for stu­dents who have com­plet­ed 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th grade so they can begin to focus on career path­ways.  The pro­gram is designed to pro­vide inte­grat­ed hands-on learn­ing activ­i­ties in a vari­ety of career settings.

Automotive Repair & Maintenance 

Gain the knowl­edge you will need to be a future dri­ver, car own­er, and auto­mo­tive tech­ni­cian. Students will receive hands- on expe­ri­ence check­ing and chang­ing flu­ids, ser­vic­ing tires, and con­duct­ing oth­er sim­ple tasks that keep cars run­ning safe­ly and smooth­ly every day.

Baking & Cake Decorating 

Learn to bake and dec­o­rate cup­cakes in fun and excit­ing ways. We’ll use cook­ies, can­dies, and oth­er cre­ative dec­o­rat­ing tech­niques. We’ll play food relat­ed games to explore and feel com­fort­able in a com­mer­cial kitchen.

Building Trades

Develop a basic under­stand­ing of diverse trades rel­e­vant to con­tract­ing, includ­ing basic elec­tri­cal cir­cuits, car­pen­try, and plumb­ing.  Students will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to use pow­er tools to com­plete projects.  Prerequisite: Students must be at least 14 years old.

Collision Repair

Students will learn about the lat­est auto­mo­bile body repair tech­niques while work­ing with alu­minum and plas­tic.  Students will also learn about refin­ish­ing and paint­ing prod­ucts and how to apply them.  Learn the prop­er way to take care of and detail the inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or of a vehicle.


Expand your knowl­edge of hair, skin, and nails through the use of hair­styling tech­niques, facials, make­up appli­ca­tions, and manicures.

Culinary Arts 

Explore the field of Culinary Arts while learn­ing how to read a recipe, use culi­nary equip­ment, pre­pare sim­ple menus, and devel­op your own recipe books.

Digital Animation

Students will become young ani­ma­tors for the week and learn the basics of dig­i­tal ani­ma­tion using a com­put­er with Photoshop, Character Animate and After Effects software.

Digital Photography

Learn basic pho­tog­ra­phy skills such as cam­era han­dling, com­po­si­tion, and dig­i­tal image manip­u­la­tion to devel­op your artis­tic vision. Students will com­plete pho­to projects that will help you prac­tice the skills you are learn­ing. Your instruc­tor will col­lab­o­rate with you to review your pho­tos and assist you in improv­ing your pho­tog­ra­phy skills as you com­plete the pro­gram. By the end of this course, the pho­tos you take will be used to start your own artist portfolio.

Drafting & Design

Develop basic draft­ing and design skills using AutoCAD and Google Sketch Up soft­ware. You will be design­ing your own house and a 3D mod­el of the house.


Future emer­gency ser­vices par­tic­i­pants will learn fire safe­ty, hose rolls, fire hydrant oper­a­tions, fire extin­guish­er oper­a­tions, and many oth­er basic skills. Prerequisite: Students must be at least 14 years old.

Medical & Health Professions 

Discover the wide vari­ety of careers avail­able in the health care field while learn­ing some of the nec­es­sary skills and con­cepts, includ­ing med­ical ter­mi­nol­o­gy and basic vital signs.

Web Design

Learn the cur­rent tech­nol­o­gy used in web appli­ca­tions.  Develop basic web design skills to cre­ate dynam­ic websites. 

Summer Career Exploration Program