Thanks to a grant from the PA Bureau of Special Education and the full support of the Pennsbury Special Education team, led by Director Regina Rausch, Pennwood Middle School was able to host “Mikayla’s Voice” assemblies for all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders in March 2021 with another related activity scheduled for April. With the theme of “inspiring kids of all abilities to share the message of inclusion,” Mikayla’s Voice spokesperson (and Mikayla’s proud Mom) Kimberly Resh, led the assemblies. Centering on the concepts of 1) inspiring children and young adults to embrace individuals of all abilities; 2) empowering them to create cultural change by teaching others to include everyone; and 3) educating the community about the meaning and importance of inclusion, Mikayla’s Voice presentations are both personal and meaningful. To date, the group has had the opportunity to present inclusion assemblies to more than 55,000 students in schools across Pennsylvania.
The Mikayla’s Voice “Wheels of Friendship” inclusive art activity also took place place at Pennwood in late April.