New Pennridge Website

We are very excit­ed to announce the launch of our new­ly designed web­site! The new site is live at Please explore the new site this afternoon! 

Our goal with this new web­site is to pro­vide our com­mu­ni­ty, fam­i­lies, stu­dents, and staff with an eas­i­er way to learn about our dis­tric­t’s excit­ing news. Among the new fea­tures, the site con­tains inte­grat­ed social media but­tons, a con­sis­tent look and feel, clear nav­i­ga­tion, an inte­grat­ed cal­en­dar fea­ture, and is mobile friendly. 

We hope that this web­site becomes a cen­tral place for com­mu­ni­ca­tion, fam­i­ly resources, and infor­ma­tion. As we tran­si­tion, we ask for your patience; you may see links to our pre­vi­ous web­site or pages still in progress. 

We want to thank the web­site team and the web­mas­ters through­out our dis­trict who worked dili­gent­ly this sum­mer to make this project a reality!