Bucks IU Helps Coordinate the Distribution of Sanitizing Solution Throughout Bucks County

The Bucks County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was recent­ly con­tact­ed by Cityline Construction of Allentown PA with the gen­er­ous offer to pro­vide EPA-approved sur­face san­i­tiz­ing solu­tion to be used as a ger­mi­cide in the ongo­ing efforts to fight the COVID-19 coro­n­avirus.  Scott Forster, Director of the Bucks County Emergency Service, reached out to the Bucks County Intermediate Unit (Bucks IU) Director of Operations, Kasey Kollar, to help coor­di­nate the dis­tri­b­u­tion of Cityline Construction’s gen­er­ous donation. 

Today the Bucks IU Safety Team, along with trucks and per­son­nel from var­i­ous Bucks County school dis­tricts, arrived at Cityline Construction’s offices in Allentown to load up 2,500, one-gallon con­tain­ers of this solu­tion.  This much-needed san­i­tiz­er was then trans­port­ed by the assist­ing school dis­tricts (Centennial, Central Bucks, Quakertown, and Neshaminy) to pre­de­ter­mined ware­house loca­tions for stor­age and future dis­tri­b­u­tion to first respon­der agen­cies (fire, police, ambu­lance, etc.) and pub­lic schools through­out Bucks County.

This solu­tion is a crit­i­cal ele­ment in com­bat­ing the COVID-19 coro­n­avirus.  It san­i­tizes sur­faces, pro­vid­ing an effec­tive means of pre­vent­ing the spread of this virus.  This ger­mi­ci­dal solu­tion is sprayed onto cleaned areas and, once dry, effec­tive­ly san­i­tizes the sur­face.  First respon­ders will be able to use this solu­tion to spray down every­thing from vehi­cle inte­ri­ors (e.g. ambu­lances) to vital equip­ment, while school dis­tricts can use it to san­i­tize the sur­faces being used dai­ly dur­ing the man­dat­ed school clo­sures, like those used for crit­i­cal oper­a­tions, meal prepa­ra­tion, and meal distribution. 

Kasey Kollar stat­ed, “The Bucks IU was hon­ored to help coor­di­nate this impor­tant coun­ty­wide effort.  We would like to offer our sin­cere thanks to Cityline Construction for their gen­eros­i­ty in help­ing the first respon­ders and school dis­tricts of Bucks County be bet­ter posi­tioned to bat­tle the COVID-19 virus.”