Palisades Schools Go Online

As many oth­er schools in Bucks County have done, Palisades School District took their class­es online start­ing Monday, March 30th.  Palisades had received a grant to insti­tute a one-to-one pro­gram a cou­ple of years ago which made the tran­si­tion more seam­less, espe­cial­ly for stu­dents in grades 6 through 12.  These stu­dents already been assigned devices and are very accus­tomed to using the dis­tric­t’s learn­ing man­age­ment sys­tem, Canvas.  The chal­lenge was to deploy chrome­books, the dis­tric­t’s choice of device, to all ele­men­tary school-aged chil­dren.  The Tech Department, led by Director Gary Adams, was charged with this task which was com­plet­ed over a ten day peri­od.  In addi­tion to ensur­ing that all stu­dents had a device at home for their use, it was impor­tant to also assess the abil­i­ty of stu­dents to access the inter­net.  Those stu­dents who did not have inter­net access in their homes were pro­vid­ed with a district-owned hotspot, also pur­chased with grant monies received.  Staff was in-serviced for three days lead­ing up to the kick­off of the ful­ly online instruc­tion­al pro­gram.  Overall, the tran­si­tion has been very successful-students and staff have been trou­bleshoot­ing prob­lems and begin­ning slow­ly with instruc­tion to be ful­ly in place with grad­ed assign­ments through the fourth quar­ter of the 2019–20 school year.  Special thanks to the fam­i­lies, staff, admin­is­tra­tion and School Board for their flex­i­bil­i­ty and per­sis­tence in mak­ing online learn­ing a real­i­ty in Palisades!

Click on this link for an inspi­ra­tional slide show sent out to all fam­i­lies pri­or to the kick off of online learning: