First Ever Combined Music Concert

The Pennridge High School Music Department joined forces to per­form in a com­bined con­cert for the first time. On Wednesday, June 5 at 7:00 pm in the Pennridge High School Auditorium, the Pennridge High School Orchestra, Concert Choir, and Symphonic Band per­formed to cel­e­brate the music of American com­posers.  

This per­for­mance includ­ed tried and true selec­tions such as Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever” as well as more mod­ern selec­tions like Eric Whitacre’s “Sleep” leav­ing the audi­ence with an incred­i­ble selec­tion of music with some­thing for everyone! 
The per­for­mance end­ed with all 171 stu­dent musi­cians com­bined on stage for a grand finale per­for­mance of “You’ll Never Walk Alone” from the hit Broadway show “Carousel.” 
It was an incred­i­ble show­case of the tal­ent at Pennridge High School. 
For more infor­ma­tion about Pennridge High School Music Department, con­tact Kallie Cooper, PR & Communications Coordinator at 
Music Department Students on Stage
The Pennridge High School Orchestra, Concert Choir, and Symphonic Band rehears­ing the con­cert finale.