Advocacy Committee for Education (ACE) Breakfast

The third quar­ter­ly meet­ing of the Bucks County Advocacy Committee for Education (ACE) was held on Friday morn­ing, May 17th, 2019 from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Bucks IU. Over six­ty dis­trict staff, school board mem­bers and Bucks IU staff attended.

The top­ic for the ACE meet­ing was “How To Develop Effective Relationships with Legislators”, and also includ­ed a leg­isla­tive update on education-related local, state, and nation­al issues of importance.

The Advocacy Committee for Education (ACE) meets quar­ter­ly and includes Bucks IU Board mem­bers, district-appointed Board mem­bers, super­in­ten­dents, and select­ed admin­is­tra­tors. The work of ACE is designed by the com­mit­tee mem­bers to sup­port the larg­er advo­ca­cy efforts of our indi­vid­ual dis­tricts and includes pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment, guest speak­ers, resource devel­op­ment, and coun­ty­wide collaboration.

The pre­sen­ter for this meet­ing was Rebecca Roberts‑Malamis, Esq., Bucks IU Deputy Executive Director, In‑House Legal Counsel.