SkillsUSA State Competitions

Students from var­i­ous tech­ni­cal schools through­out Pennsylvania, includ­ing Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT), com­pet­ed in the 2019 SkillsUSA state com­pe­ti­tions ear­li­er this month.  The com­pe­ti­tions were held on April 10–12, 2019 in Hershey, PAMBIT had 34 com­peti­tors par­tic­i­pat­ing who earned a total of 19 medals: 5 gold medal win­ners, 1 sil­ver medal win­ner and 13 bronze medal win­ners.  In addi­tion, Ms. Kathryn Gingolaski, a senior from Central Bucks South, and a stu­dent in the Medical and Health Professions pro­gram, returned as a SkillsUSA State Officer for the 2018–2019 school year. Middle Bucks is extreme­ly proud our stu­dents and their accomplishments.

SkillsUSA is the nation­al orga­ni­za­tion for stu­dents in trade, indus­tri­al, and tech­ni­cal edu­ca­tion.  It spon­sors the SkillsUSA Championships annu­al­ly to rec­og­nize the achieve­ments of career and tech­ni­cal stu­dents, and to encour­age them to strive for excel­lence and pride in their cho­sen occu­pa­tions.  The con­tests are planned by tech­ni­cal com­mit­tees com­prised of rep­re­sen­ta­tives of labor and man­age­ment, and are designed to test the skills need­ed for suc­cess­ful entry-level per­for­mance in giv­en occu­pa­tion­al fields.  In addi­tion to com­pe­ti­tions focus­ing on tech­ni­cal skills, stu­dents have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to demon­strate their lead­er­ship abil­i­ties.  Leadership devel­op­ment con­tests include areas con­cen­trat­ing on pub­lic speak­ing, job inter­view, busi­ness pro­ce­dure, and professionalism. 

Gold medals were award­ed to Vincent Bova for Building Construction (Building Trades Occupations/Central Bucks East), William Rossman for Information Technology Service (Networking & Operating Systems Security/Central Bucks East), Matt Musick for Television Production (Multimedia Technology/Central Bucks East), Kalei Casiano for Cooperative Education Competition (Early Childhood Care & Education/Central Bucks South), and Skylar Pinto for Television Production (Multimedia Technology/Central Bucks West). 

Silver medal was award­ed to Garrett Chirik for Welding (Welding Technology/Central Bucks South).

Bronze medals were award­ed to Justin Colluro for Web Design (Web Design & Interactive Media/Archbishop Wood), Stephanie Kuhns for Crime Scene Investigation (Public Safety/Central Bucks East), Garred Rankin-Wahlers for Crime Scene Investigation (Public Safety/Central Bucks East), Lucas Rosenthal for Crime Scene Investigation (Public Safety/Central Bucks East), Eddie Kenna for Audio Production (Multimedia Technology/Central Bucks South), Tyler Natkin for Automotive Service Technology (Automotive Technology/Central Bucks South), Gianna Crespo for Dental Assisting (Dental Occupations/Central Bucks South), Justin Rieber for Electrical Construction Wiring (Electrical Technology/Central Bucks South), Alexandre DeGlas for Automotive Maintenance & Light Repair (Automotive Technology/Central Bucks South), Kathryn Gingolaski for Prepared Speech (Medical & Health Professions/Central Bucks South), Hailey Krebs for Web Design(Web Design & Interactive Media/Central Bucks South), Emily Decking for Restaurant Service (Culinary Arts & Science/Central Bucks West), and Zach Gehring for Audio Production (Multimedia Technology/Council Rock North).