Palisades High School Recent Accolades

Palisades High School is among only 373 schools in North America (U.S. and Canada) hon­ored by the College Board with place­ment on its 9th Annual AP® District Honor Roll.  To be includ­ed on the 9th Annual Honor Roll, Palisades had to increase the num­ber of stu­dents par­tic­i­pat­ing in Advanced Placement class­es while also increas­ing or main­tain­ing the per­cent­age of stu­dents earn­ing AP Exam scores of 3 or high­er since 2016. During the 2017–18 school year, 73% of our stu­dents who took an AP exam, scored 3 or bet­ter (160/219 exams taken). 

Also, ranked all high schools in Pennsylvania accord­ing to their achieve­ment on the 2018 Keystone exams. Palisades High School ranked 38th out of 675 high schools across the state!  Congratulations to our stu­dents and fac­ul­ty for out­stand­ing per­for­mance! To review the full arti­cle, please click the fol­low­ing link: