The student members of the Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s Philanthropy Today Club presented grants from the Norman Raab Foundation in the amount of $5,000 and the Heenan Grant in the amount of $5,000. The purpose of the grants is to provide donations to non-profit organizations that make a difference in the community. The Raab family and Mrs. Bernadette Heenan, along with representatives from the five non-profit organizations receiving grants met with the students personally at a breakfast held at Middle Bucks Institute of Technology.
The Philanthropy Today Club is a student led giving club program housed within selected schools throughout Bucks County, PA. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology was one of five schools in Bucks County, PA selected to participate in the program. The purpose of the program is to teach students about philanthropy while the students assist charitable causes through their efforts. The Norman Raab Foundation, historically based in southeastern Pennsylvania, provides grants to non-profit organizations pertaining to education, health and research services, and human services. The Heenan Grant provided grants pertaining to special needs services. Prior to making a donation, students are required to research the various non-profit organizations, visit each site selected to learn more about the charity’s cause, and collaborate with their group members during the process. This year, members of our Philanthropy Today Club hope to provide donations through the grant to:
Council of SEPA — Raab Foundation
A Woman’s Place — Raab Foundation
Hopes and Dreams — Heenan Grant
AGS — Heenan Grant
Special Connections — Heenan Grant