Genius Hour at McDonald Elementary

Genius Hour — An organ­ic, student-led ini­tia­tive that has spread through­out the dis­trict into many of the K‑12 class­rooms. It is one of the most excit­ing learn­ing expe­ri­ences kids are hav­ing in school — authen­tic, self-directed learn­ing about a top­ic of pas­sion. The role of the teacher becomes that of a facil­i­ta­tor to sup­port stu­dents in their own pur­suit of learn­ing. Our stu­dents, and teach­ers are work­ing on project-based learn­ing and/or Genius Hour to tap into kids’ nat­ur­al curios­i­ty, growth mind­set, and pas­sion for learn­ing across the District. We are cre­at­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for kids’ voic­es to be heard in their own learn­ing, which in turn, increas­es their own­er­ship of their learn­ing. Some great resources include our own stu­dents talk­ing about Genius hour at this link: