Pennsbury School District News

Philadelphia Orchestra Members Perform for String Students

Instrumental music teacher, Michael McGarry, reports that string stu­dents from all three Pennsbury mid­dle schools attend­ed a per­for­mance by a quar­tet of musi­cians from the Philadelphia Orchestra.  “Students lis­tened to pieces from the clas­si­cal reper­toire by Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven in the newly-refurbished Pennwood audi­to­ri­um,” said Mr. McGarry.  Performers includ­ed Yu-Ting Chen and Jonathan Beiler, vio­lins; Renard Edwards, vio­la, and Richard Harlow, cello.

An inter­est­ing question/answer ses­sion fol­lowed the 35-minute per­for­mance,” added Mr. McGarry. “This is the third time tremen­dous string musi­cians from this world-class orches­tra have come to Pennsbury.  I’m hon­ored to call Mr. Harlow a col­league and friend.”

Pennsbury Elementary Schools Recognized by

Congratulations to all ten Pennsbury ele­men­tary schools! As a group, they earned a 2018 Promising Practices Award from for con­duct­ing the inau­gur­al Pennsbury Day of Service activ­i­ty on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. This was one of just 258 Promising Practices awards grant­ed by nation­wide to schools, dis­tricts, and youth-serving orga­ni­za­tions in the United States and abroad. “Our objec­tive was to estab­lish a col­lec­tive goal of hon­or­ing ser­vice in and among the Pennsbury com­mu­ni­ty,” said Edgewood Elementary Principal, Stephanie Hultquist. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service is a way to trans­form his lega­cy, life, and teach­ings into com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice, which helps empow­er and strength­en local rela­tion­ships.  In the words of Dr. King, ‘Life’s most per­sis­tent and urgent ques­tion is: What are you doing for oth­ers?’  In an effort to pro­mote civic engage­ment and mod­el the impor­tance of serv­ing com­mu­ni­ty, we arranged for a vari­ety of activ­i­ties across part­ner­ing schools to make this ‘day off’ school a ‘day on’ in servitude.”

According to the orga­ni­za­tion, recip­i­ents of Promising Practices awards are rec­og­nized because they planned and imple­ment­ed unique ini­tia­tives that fos­ter col­lab­o­ra­tion and good char­ac­ter build­ing. The ini­tia­tives this year were diverse and ranged from peer men­tor­ing to ran­dom acts of kind­ness. spon­sors the annu­al pro­gram to show­case inno­v­a­tive best prac­tices that are hav­ing an impact and to encour­age edu­ca­tors to learn from and even repli­cate these suc­cess­ful ini­tia­tives. will hon­or the recip­i­ents at the 2018 National Forum on Character Education.