EmployAbility Expo 2018

On May 3, 2018, over 100 stu­dents rep­re­sent­ing a wide range of dis­abil­i­ties con­verged on the Bucks County Intermediate Unit’s cen­tral office site in Doylestown to par­tic­i­pate in the EmployAbility Expo.  Participation at this year’s Expo rep­re­sents the largest total num­ber of par­tic­i­pants over the past sev­er­al years. This annu­al event aims to pro­vide stu­dents with prac­tice in new­ly learned job skills as they face poten­tial employ­ment after high school.  The stu­dents rep­re­sent­ed Bucks County school dis­tricts, the Bucks County Technical High School, and numer­ous Bucks County Intermediate Unit programs.

Each stu­dent par­tic­i­pat­ed in three prac­tice job inter­views. Approximately 40 vol­un­teers rep­re­sent­ing area busi­ness­es, gov­ern­ment agen­cies, Human Resource spe­cial­ists, and oth­er agency stake­hold­ers con­duct­ed the inter­views.  The stu­dents returned to their schools hav­ing gained valu­able feed­back on their inter­view­ing skills, also devel­op­ing the skills and strate­gies need­ed to obtain and retain com­pet­i­tive employ­ment in today’s econ­o­my.  The deli­cious refresh­ments for the event were pro­vid­ed by the Bucks IU stu­dent W.O.W. (We’re Outstanding Workers) cater­ing program.