Microbiologist Engages 1st Graders in Pennsbury

Afton Elementary teacher, Rachael Hauben, shares that all of the first graders at this Pennsbury school had the plea­sure of meet­ing with Dr. Brittany Leigh, a micro­bi­ol­o­gist from Vanderbilt University, through the “Skype a Scientist” orga­ni­za­tion. Dr. Leigh shared details about the type of sci­ence that she stud­ies, which focus­es on virus­es and bac­te­ria found in insects. After watch­ing a video about mos­qui­toes and the bac­te­ria they can car­ry, the stu­dents were able to take a vir­tu­al tour of Dr. Leigh’s lab­o­ra­to­ry and see some of her fel­low sci­en­tists at work. Students also par­tic­i­pat­ed in an infor­ma­tive ques­tion and answer ses­sion with Dr. Leigh.  She answered stu­dent ques­tions that ranged from “When did you know you want­ed to be a sci­en­tist?” and “How long did you go to school to become a sci­en­tist?” to ques­tions about the mos­qui­toes and the exper­i­ments her team has per­formed so far. The first graders were engaged and excit­ed to meet with a real sci­en­tist.  All edu­ca­tors are encour­aged to try to match with a sci­en­tist by vis­it­ing skypeascientist.com.