Pennsbury Thespians Earn National Recognition


Congratulations to the Pennsbury Thespians, one of three troupes to earn nation­al “Outstanding Impact” awards dur­ing Theatre in our Schools Month in 2020! Students from Kansas and Mississippi joined Pennsbury’s troupe in this spe­cial recog­ni­tion. Pennsbury’s Thespian Troupe is led by Charles Boehm Middle School music teacher, Matthew South.

Thespians are stu­dents who have been induct­ed into the International Thespian Society, which has been hon­or­ing stu­dent achieve­ment in the­atre since 1929. According to the nation­al orga­ni­za­tion, “What dis­tin­guish­es out­stand­ing impact is demon­strat­ed effort with School Board mem­bers, elect­ed offi­cials, and com­mu­ni­ties. These troupes also demon­strat­ed out­stand­ing impact by con­tin­u­ing their advo­ca­cy work despite school clo­sures and stay at home orders due to COVID-19.”

Pennsbury’s Thespian Troupe 830 con­tact­ed state rep­re­sen­ta­tives to raise aware­ness about the impact of the­atre edu­ca­tion and advo­cat­ed for an offi­cial dec­la­ra­tion of Theatre in Our Schools Month in Pennsylvania. Throughout the school year, troupe mem­bers pro­mot­ed the impor­tance of the­atre in schools by attend­ing month­ly School Board meet­ings to inform them about the troupe’s recent achieve­ments and upcom­ing pro­duc­tions. Earlier this year, the troupe kicked off Theatre in Our Schools month with their pro­duc­tion of the clas­sic musi­cal, “Hello Dolly.”