Pennsbury High School Achieves World Record

The “Best Prom in America” just got even bet­ter, thanks to spe­cial recog­ni­tion by the Guinness World Records team!

After care­ful­ly doc­u­ment­ing the process that led to the cre­ation of the largest mur­al of kiss­es, or lip prints, Pennsbury High School admin­is­tra­tors were noti­fied by the Guinness World Records team that their school’s 3D mur­al of kiss­es, which spelled out the words ROCK MUSIC with a 3D gui­tar cen­ter­piece – a visu­al high­light in the gym at the Pennsbury High School Senior Prom on June 1st — was des­ig­nat­ed the world’s largest. The pre­vi­ous record, set in 2012 in Brazil, fea­tured a total of 13,316 kiss­es. Pennsbury’s effort shat­tered that record with a whop­ping 41,692 kiss­es spread tight­ly across a 63’ long, 11’ high mur­al. The cen­ter­piece gui­tar shape stood 18.’

The announce­ment was met with thun­der­ous applause at the 2019 Pennsbury Commencement cer­e­mo­ny held at Falcon Field on the evening of June 11th. Pennsbury High School East Principal, Reggie Meadows, shared the news dur­ing his speech to the graduates.

The record-breaking effort was pitched to Mr. Meadows near­ly a year ago by Pennsbury par­ents, Gary and Amy Nolan, whose daugh­ter, Melanie, was enter­ing her senior year. Gary Nolan is a Guinness World Record hold­er him­self, hav­ing run the fastest marathon in a Colonial American cos­tume. Momentum built as the year pro­gressed, and the Nolans led the charge to accu­mu­late tens of thou­sands of lip prints from stu­dents, par­ents, alum­ni, teach­ers, admin­is­tra­tors, and com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers inter­est­ed in help­ing to achieve the goal.

The 63-foot mur­al of kiss­es was cre­at­ed by vol­un­teer stu­dents, led by Pennsbury Prom Co-Chairs Mollie Nellist and Savannah Fuhrmann, with assis­tance from Prom Co-Chair, Angelica Ramirez. The mur­al was one of the spot­light fea­tures in the gym, where the all-star tal­ent takes cen­ter stage and the stu­dents dance the night away. Following tra­di­tion, the com­mu­ni­ty was invit­ed inside the high school to view the school’s elab­o­rate dec­o­ra­tions the day of the prom from noon until 3:00 p.m. The mur­al of kiss­es was also one of the high­lights of that day­time tour.

Faculty advi­sors for the 2019 Pennsbury Prom were Tony Napoli and Curtis May. These ded­i­cat­ed teach­ers also played a promi­nent role in help­ing to achieve the goal of earn­ing a World Record for the high school.

Congratulations, PHS!