Club builds bridges among students with different needs

The Change It Up Club at Neshaminy High School has a very spe­cial mis­sion — to bring stu­dents with very dif­fer­ent needs, abil­i­ties and back­grounds together.

The club imple­ments extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties to help those with spe­cial needs in the com­mu­ni­ty. Sandi Spong, a Special Education teacher who is the club’s … Read more...

Bitmoji classrooms add fun, personality to online learning

With the start of the new school year, Neshaminy stu­dents are start­ing their class­es online. The cur­rent plan calls for a hybrid com­bi­na­tion of online and in-person learn­ing to begin in October, and pos­si­bly addi­tion­al in-person time after that if health & safe­ty con­di­tions allow.

Preparing for these pos­si­bil­i­ties, Neshaminy teach­ers …

Neshaminy artists featured in White House display

This hol­i­day sea­son, Neshaminy School District is very proud that art­work cre­at­ed by our tal­ent­ed stu­dents was cho­sen to be rep­re­sent­ed in the White House Christmas dis­plays in Washington D.C. The theme for 2020 was “America Celebrates,” and the dec­o­ra­tions appeared on trees on the Ellipse inside President’s Park as … Read more...

School celebrates 20 years of honoring veterans

Shortly after the ter­ror­ist attacks on September 11, 2001, a group of teach­ers at Maple Point Middle School in the Neshaminy School District got togeth­er to dis­cuss an idea. With Veterans Day approach­ing, they thought that hold­ing a cer­e­mo­ny to hon­or America’s mil­i­tary would be a good way to teach … Read more...

Speaker series brings the US Constitution to life

Maple Point Middle School in Langhorne once again cel­e­brat­ed the US Constitution by invit­ing guest speak­ers to talk with stu­dents in each grade about their involve­ment with our guid­ing doc­u­ment in September and October. This speak­er series has become a school tra­di­tion, dur­ing which stu­dents are able to con­nect con­cept … Read more...

NBC10 meteorologist visit highlights project-based learning efforts

NBC10 Meterologist Brittney Shipp vis­it­ed Tawanka Elementary School to read her new chil­dren’s book and see the stu­den­t’s project-based learn­ing efforts.

Her orig­i­nal vis­it in March was post­poned, not iron­i­cal­ly, by one of the nor’east­er storms that moved up the east coast caus­ing a school can­cel­la­tion. But the stu­dents of … Read more...

Instructional Rounds spreads classroom success

On October 25, a group of Neshaminy School District teach­ers and admin­is­tra­tors vis­it­ed sev­er­al class­rooms at Maple Point Middle School, then gath­ered in a near­by con­fer­ence room to dis­cuss their obser­va­tions as part of Instructional Rounds.

This pro­gram, start­ed last year at Neshaminy, offers an oppor­tu­ni­ty for con­struc­tive dia­logue on … Read more...

Neshaminy celebrates Constitution Day

Neshaminy schools cel­e­brat­ed Constitution Day on Monday, September 17 with sev­er­al activ­i­ties. That date is the 231st anniver­sary of the sign­ing of the U.S. Constitution, and any school receiv­ing fed­er­al fund­ing is man­dat­ed to teach the his­to­ry and con­tent of the Constitution around that date.

The Constitution Day speak­er series at

Audubon Society sponors girls STEAM Club

Thanks to a grant-funded ini­tia­tive from the Bucks County Audubon Society, a group of 5th-grade girls at Poquessing Middle School in the Neshaminy School District are spend­ing some of their after­noons explor­ing sci­ence, nature and physics dur­ing STEAM Club meet­ings. This pilot con­cept activ­i­ty is in its first year and … Read more...

When school is out, teachers become the students

The first week of sum­mer for the stu­dents at Neshaminy was not vaca­tion time for edu­ca­tors through­out the dis­trict. Besides fin­ish­ing up paper­work and prepar­ing class­rooms for the sum­mer, staff mem­bers spent sev­er­al days in pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment class­es learn­ing from each oth­er and out­side pre­sen­ters on a wide vari­ety of … Read more...

Middle school tops Philadelphia Coaches vs. Cancer fundraisers

In ear­ly June, Maple Point Middle School (Langhorne)  Coaches vs. Cancer fundrais­er vol­un­teers held a recog­ni­tion cer­e­mo­ny. This year the school raised an astound­ing $23,530 for the American Cancer Society, mak­ing Maple Point the #1 fundrais­ing team out of 43 in the entire Philadelphia region for CvC dona­tions. Coach Fred … Read more...