Palisades Middle School is a School to Watch

Last school year, Palisades Middle School was des­ig­nat­ed as a Don Eichhorn School to Watch.  PALMS joins an elite group of 41 schools in the Commonwealth of PA and 480 schools across the nation to receive such a pres­ti­gious hon­or. The Schools to Watch pro­gram, spon­sored by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle School Reform, required schools to engage in a rig­or­ous audit of all of our pro­grams and con­tin­ue an exter­nal audit and eval­u­a­tion process over the next three years. Specifically, PALMS was eval­u­at­ed on its aca­d­e­m­ic excel­lence, respon­sive­ness to the devel­op­men­tal needs of young ado­les­cents, fair­ness in admin­is­tra­tion of our pro­grams, and effi­cien­cy of the struc­tures and process­es in place at the mid­dle school.