Pennsbury Names Partners of the Year

The Pennsbury Partners Program cel­e­brat­ed its 20th annu­al part­ner­ship recog­ni­tion event on April 30, 2019 at William Penn Middle School.  As in pre­vi­ous years, awards were pre­sent­ed to one out­stand­ing busi­ness part­ner and one out­stand­ing non-profit part­ner of the year.  The 2019 cel­e­bra­tion also fea­tured musi­cal enter­tain­ment by mem­bers of the Pennsbury Concert Jazz Band

The event was orga­nized by Ann Langtry, Supervisor of Communication Strategies, and Robin Peters, Partnership Program Assistant.  “In addi­tion to ben­e­fit­ing stu­dents, part­ner­ing with Pennsbury offers brand enhance­ment and pub­lic­i­ty for com­mu­ni­ty agen­cies and busi­ness­es,” said Ms. Langtry. “It’s a win-win for both the stu­dents and our Partners.”

The recip­i­ents of the out­stand­ing part­ner­ship awards for the 2018–2019 school year includ­ed:  ShopRite of Yardley, Business Partner of the Year, and AOY Art Center, Non-Profit Partner of the Year.

A brief video pre­sen­ta­tion out­lined the many ways that both Partners of the Year ben­e­fit the stu­dents and fam­i­lies of Pennsbury. ShopRite of Yardley, for exam­ple, pro­vides exten­sive dona­tions of food and bev­er­age prod­ucts for Pennsbury events, along with offer­ing gen­er­ous finan­cial sup­port for var­i­ous school projects. The store also invites Pennsbury Principals to serve as “celebri­ty bag­gers” each fall to help gen­er­ate funds for local food pantries. For the past three years, the AOY Art Center has exhib­it­ed a gallery-wide show­case of select­ed stu­dent art cre­at­ed by Pennsbury’s tal­ent­ed senior art majors. AOY artists work with Pennsbury fac­ul­ty mem­bers to give the stu­dent artists an authen­tic gallery expe­ri­ence by hav­ing their work adju­di­cat­ed and exhib­it­ed in a pub­lic space. Cash prizes are also award­ed to three stu­dents for their out­stand­ing pieces thanks to fund­ing donat­ed by one of the AOY artists.

This year’s pre­mier event spon­sors were ShopRite of Yardley and KidsCare of Pennsbury. Funds pro­vid­ed by these spon­sors, and all of the 2019 adver­tis­ers, will enable the Partnership Program to pro­vide mini-grants to Pennsbury teach­ers in the com­ing school year.

Over the last two decades, the Pennsbury Partners Program has grown to be a high­ly suc­cess­ful, col­lab­o­ra­tive effort involv­ing over 1,000 part­ners in the Pennsbury com­mu­ni­ty. For more infor­ma­tion about the pro­gram, vis­it > Departments > Pennsbury Partners Program.