Neshaminy is Phanatic about Reading

On April 10, 2019, stu­dents at Walter Miller Elementary School in Levittown enjoyed a vis­it from a very spe­cial green guest as a reward for being one of the top schools in the Philadelphia region in the 2018–2019 Phanatic About Reading con­test. The stu­dents won the vis­it by accu­mu­lat­ing hun­dreds of hours of time spent read­ing at school and home. The class with the most min­utes — Kerry Bettelli’s 1st grade — got to pose for a pho­to with the Phanatic and Mrs. Bettelli read the Phanatic’s book, The Best Rain Delay Ever, to the entire school dur­ing the assembly.

The Phillie Phanatic vis­its Walter Miller Elementary

Yesterday, stu­dents at Walter Miller Elementary School enjoyed a vis­it from a very spe­cial green guest as a reward for being one of the top schools in the Philadelphia region in the 2018–2019 Phanatic About Reading con­test. The stu­dents won the vis­it by accu­mu­lat­ing hun­dreds of hours of time spent read­ing at school and home. The class with the most min­utes — Kerry Bettelli’s 1st grade — got to pose for a pho­to with the Phanatic and Mrs. Bettelli read the Phanatic’s book, The Best Rain Delay Ever, to the entire school dur­ing the assembly.

Posted by Neshaminy School District on Thursday, April 11, 2019
Philllie Phanatic poses with a class at Walter Miller Elementary School