PAsmart Grant Awardees Announced — PSD Gets $35,000

Over the next decade, sev­en in 10 new jobs in Pennsylvania will require work­ers to use a com­put­er and an esti­mat­ed 300,000 STEM jobs will be avail­able in the com­mon­wealth by 2026. To meet this pro­ject­ed demand, Governor Tom Wolf launched PAsmart, a new ini­tia­tive to invest in the com­mon­wealth’s exist­ing and future work­force.  See more infor­ma­tion about this ini­tia­tive by vis­it­ing:

Palisades is proud to be a recip­i­ent of this grant to help train teach­ers to imple­ment com­put­er sci­ence in their class­rooms.  Thanks to our Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Dr. Michael Donnelly for lead­ing the charge!  Great work team!