Instructional Rounds spreads classroom success

On October 25, a group of Neshaminy School District teach­ers and admin­is­tra­tors vis­it­ed sev­er­al class­rooms at Maple Point Middle School, then gath­ered in a near­by con­fer­ence room to dis­cuss their obser­va­tions as part of Instructional Rounds.

This pro­gram, start­ed last year at Neshaminy, offers an oppor­tu­ni­ty for con­struc­tive dia­logue on the effec­tive­ness of cur­ric­u­la and class­room pro­ce­dures based on inter­ac­tion with teach­ers and stu­dents as they go about their nor­mal day. It is based on the con­cept of med­ical rounds con­duct­ed at hos­pi­tals to observe patient care, share best prac­tices and adjust treat­ment based on shared knowl­edge com­bined with those obser­va­tions. It not meant as a tool to eval­u­ate teach­ers, but rather as one to pro­mote and share tech­niques that work and offer con­struc­tive, prac­ti­cal sug­ges­tions based on real-world class­room activity.

Instructional Rounds was devel­oped at Harvard University. Members of the Neshaminy staff attend­ed Instructional Rounds train­ing at Harvard last year and are teach­ing their col­leagues the tech­niques for future imple­men­ta­tion through­out the District.

Teacher observes students in a class

Instructional Rounds at Herbert Hoover Elementary School in Levittown