The Advantages of Dual Enrollment at Bristol High School

picture of a computer classroom with teacher in standing in the front of the room

Dual enroll­ment at Bristol High School with Bucks County Community College

Choosing a col­lege major and school is a daunt­ing task for high school juniors and seniors. Determining how the aver­age fam­i­ly will pay for col­lege is also a com­plex sys­tem, but Bristol High School juniors and seniors have an oppor­tu­ni­ty that will give them a head start as they begin plan­ning their life after high school. Thanks to grant fund­ing received with Bucks County Community College, Bristol High School is able to con­tin­ue its dual enroll­ment pro­gram, which allows qual­i­fy­ing juniors and seniors to take two com­mu­ni­ty col­lege course offer­ings a year. Course enroll­ment trans­lates two main advan­tages for these high school stu­dents: finan­cial sav­ings and a bet­ter aware­ness of the rig­or involved with a col­lege course.

Approximately 20% of BBSD juniors and seniors enroll in dual enroll­ment, which requires them to arrive at school almost an hour ear­li­er than their peers for three days a week. Students gain entry to the pro­gram based on their inter­est and an ini­tial place­ment test, giv­en by BCCC, that occurs the pre­ced­ing spring. The advan­tages to stu­dents are impres­sive. For exam­ple, par­tic­i­pat­ing stu­dents from the class of 2020 have the poten­tial to grad­u­ate from high school with 12 col­lege cred­its, which equates to almost an entire semes­ter of col­lege cred­it. Their course per­for­mance is record­ed not only on their high school tran­script, where it receives the weight­ed cred­it of an hon­ors course, but also is the begin­ning of their col­lege tran­script. The offered cours­es vary from year to year with an attempt to tar­get class­es that can be eas­i­ly trans­ferred to meet a vari­ety of intro­duc­to­ry col­lege major require­ments, such as Public Speaking, Introduction to Communications, and Criminal Justice.